Your muscles deserve this
Sport massage is primarily for people who train hard and need to restore muscle tissue. If you are a regular gym goer or athlete this is exactly the treatment your body needs.
When muscles work hard they produce lactic acid which if left un checked becomes detrimental to progress in terms of building strength and stamina. Every athlete should have their muscles worked on regularly in order to prevent the build up of toxins and the formation of collagen. Sport massage helps the muscles repair, increases blood circulation and releases adhesions that form within the layers surrounding the muscle known as fascia. Think of fascia as a network of coverings that surround all muscles. When the muscles expand within their fascial sack it is important that the fascial covering is healthy and mobile so the muscle is free to move and expand on demand. There is quite a lot more to sport massage than deep tissue work!
Every appointment is specific to the individual, whether you just want a generic whole body sport massage or you need specific attention paid to a particular part of the anatomy is your choice. Once you arrive we will have a discussion about what you want to achieve through your treatment and develop a plan to help make that happen.