Look how you feel
Cavitation and Radio Frequency are non invasive procedures that reduce stubborn fatty tissue and tighten the skin, thus contouring the body to give you the shape you desire.
Cavitation employs low frequency ultrasound which cause bubble around the fat cells, when these bubbles burst they effectively disrupt the fat cell which results in hydrolysis which splits the fat into glycerol which is used as energy and free fatty acids which are eliminated via the bloodstream and lymphatic system.
Radio frequency is a high level electromagnetic energy which is directed at the skin and produces a mild heat which micro damages the skin and subcutaneous layers thereby stimulating collagen growth and rejuvenation. the effect is that the skin tightens and wrinkles are reduced.
Results are often immediate and improve over time, typically best results are obtained over 3-6 treatments. This treatment is a great alternative to lipo suction and is totally non invasive which means that you can have the appointment in your dinner hour then return to work and your colleagues will be non the wiser!